文章来源:秘书处 | 作者: | 发表日期: 2011-03-01
(Beyond Modernization: Chinese Media and Society in the Digital Age)
(Communication Studies in China: The Nexus of Global Trajectory and Local Perspective)
Beyond Modernization: Chinese Media and Society in the Digital Age
Since 1950s, mass media have always been considered to play a critical role in the process of modernization in the developing countries. It’s also the case in China. Since 1949, especially after the reform and opening-up policies were launched, mass media have been developed to contribute to the ‘Four Modernizations’ - the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology. The modernization of China is not just symbolized by the mass media’s development, it depends on them.
Following the processes of globalization and digitalization, the goal of social development has been changed, and the mass media have to deal with new opportunities and new challenges. ICTs are not only considered as an impetus of the development of industries and knowledge, but also the undercurrent that will lead a society towards new directions. Take China as an example, the interaction between the government and the society has been full of tension since the internet became a platform for gathering public opinion, the culture and values have been more diversified caused by the new communications, and the media industry and policy have also changed to meet the requirements of the new ICTs.
The process of modernization is also full of theoretical debates. The modernization theory, the independent theory and the globalization theory have been inspired multiple researches in media and communication studies.
In this panel discussion, Chinese scholars will focus on the relative issues from different perspectives, discuss the cases in Chinese media practice and studies, and try to reconsider the new relationship between media and society in the digital age.
Communication Studies in China:
The Nexus of Global Trajectory and Local Perspective
Recognizing the historical articulation between global and local academic efforts, this panel underscores the mutual construction of communication studies in contemporary China. With its diverse historic contexts and political-economic structures, for example, the wartime background for propaganda and persuasion research, world system theory and dependent model of development within a post-colonial world order, global communication in a global capitalist epoch, as well as particular political institutions and markets in individual countries, communication studies represented itself to Chinese intellectuals as a multifaceted knowledge system in late 1970s on the one hand. Whereas the above-mentioned academic endeavor – from the “West” in general terms -- was actively filtered and reconstructed by Chinese scholars group on the other hand. In doing so, a US-based approach, focusing on administrative questions and empirical methodology, has been established as the “mainstream” in communication studies in China, which interweaves well with a market-driven social reform for the past three decades. Notwithstanding “Critical School” in Lazarsfeld’s words, mainly including the political economy of communication and cultural studies, is also emphasized in relevant textbooks and strengthened by a rising amount of research papers, obviously it is still playing a supplemental role in China’s communication research, especially in pursuit of an institutional discipline of communication.
Nowadays, communication studies in China not only continuously translate and incorporate West-based communication theories into their local social and knowledge contexts, but also start to explore their unique origins of communication thought and research from thousands of years’ civilization. An overwhelming expectation on indigenous theoretical innovation is rising.