讲座人:Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman,博士(英国利兹大学),助理教授,泰国国立发展管理学院
Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman是泰国国立发展管理学院语言与传播研究院助理教授。他在英国诺丁汉大学获得国际传播研究硕士学位,在利兹大学传播研究所获得博士学位。目前,他已经出版了两本英文专著,分别是2014年的《新闻的政治经济学在中国:制造共识》(Lexington出版社)和2016年的《新闻与真实的哲学:超越客观性和平衡》(Routledge出版社)。他的研究领域是新闻的政治经济学和社会学,特别关注美国、英国、泰国和中国。他曾经在利兹大学、谢菲尔德大学、利兹贝克特大学、诺丁汉大学(宁波)和浙江万里学院等学校任职。
Guestlecture: What American journalism studies can learn from China?
Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman
PhD & Assistant Professor, NationalInstitute of Development Administration
Host: The National Centre for Radio andTelevision Studies, Communication University of China (CUC)
Time: 2-5pm, January 28, 2016
Venue: Room 302, Building 39, CUC
Attention! Due to the limited space, pleasereserve your seat by sending an email with your personal information (title andaffiliation, etc.) to jideqiang@cuc.edu.cnno later than January 26. Thanks!
Biographyof the speaker
Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman is AssistantProfessor at the Graduate School of Language and Communications, NationalInstitute of Development Administration, Thailand. He holds a PhD fromUniversity of Leeds’ Institute of Communication Studies and an MA in InternationalCommunication Studies from the University of Nottingham. He is the author ofJournalism and the Philosophy of Truth: Beyond Objectivity and Balance(Routledge, 2016) and The Political Economy of News in China: ManufacturingHarmony (Lexington, 2014), and has also published in Journalism, JournalismStudies, and The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies. He researchesthe political economy and sociology of journalism, emphasizing the US, UK,Thailand, and China. He has also taught at the University of Leeds, Universityof Sheffield, Leeds Beckett University, University of Nottingham Ningbo,Zhejiang Wanli University, and Zhejiang University Ningbo Institute ofTechnology.
Abstract:What American journalism studies can learn from China?
The search for universal journalistic normshas, more often than not, turned to an idealized Western Liberal-Capitalistmodel, which it then used as the yardstick to judge other media systems aroundthe world. This Cold War-style binary is becoming increasingly irrelevant inthe 21st Century due do both sustained academic critiques of Liberal-Capitalistmedia systems and the development of viable alternative media systems. Thispaper will attempt to contribute to the above critiques, focusing on four areasof media studies; ownership of media, media’s agenda setting function, sourcingof information, and journalistic discourse on objectivity. It will draw onrecent political-economic and sociological research on Chinese and Americanjournalism in order to see what American news media studies can learn fromChinese news media studies in regards to the above concepts of ownership,agenda setting, sourcing, and objectivity.